27 nov 2009
Acording whith December in this we are going to talk about "La nochebuena"
The nochebuena is called Poinsettia in America because of Robert Poinsett
who was United States Ambassador to Mexico from 1825 to 1829. He admired both the plant that brought some back to his home in South Carolina. The cultured and propagated in the greenhouse and presented to his friendships. Since then, the poinsettia is known in English by the name of the person who made known in this country. The appearance of the poinsettia is now very different from those Poinsett found in tropical areas of Mexico.
The poisettia is one of the best known plants, durable and favorite of the holidays is native to tropical Central America and Mexico.As a leyend a mexican girl poor
was crying in good night she wept way to church because I had no gifts to leave at the altar of the Virgin Mary and Child Jesus. An angel suddenly appeared and told to collect weeds along the road. When the girl put her offering at the altar, each branch sprouted beautiful red flowers. In tropical areas, the poinsettia grows as a shrub ten feet high.
The indigen name is Cuetlaxochitl, del náhuatl Cuetlahui that means wither and Xóhitl, flower ” flower that wilts”.
Explains Ed Perry, urban horticulture adviser Cooperative Extension, University of California, that big red flowers are actually modified leaves called bracts that surround the true flower, which seems a small group of yellow berries. As a result of the longest nights of November and December, these leaves bracts turn bright red. The poinsettia is known in English as "poinsettia" in honor of the botanist and diplomat, Robert Poinsett, who was U.S. ambassador to Mexico from 1825 to 1829. He admired both the plant that brought some back to his home in South Carolina. The cultured and propagated in the greenhouse and presented to his friendships. Since then, the poinsettia is known in English by the name of the person who made known in this country. The appearance of the poinsettia is now very different from those Poinsett found in tropical areas of Mexico. Horticulturists have developed low-lying shrubs to decorate during the holidays indoors and plants yellow, pink, peach and cream colors more vivid red, thanks to hybridization. These new plants retain their color for many weeks, adorning homes and shops during December and January. To maintain the attractiveness of the flower of Christmas Eve, Perry recommends putting your plant in a sunny spot away from drafts. Squirt it out very well and regularly. Never allow standing water left over. Every 7 to 10 days, add some water soluble fertilizer containing nitrogen. If leaves turn yellow, you may be missing light or nitrogen or is getting too much water. Make small changes in the way the waters or the environment where the plant has to correct these problems. The rest of the year you can enjoy your poinsettia indoors or planted in the garden. When the leaves begin to regain their green color in February or March, prune the plant to leave eight inches.
In a month or so will many shoots, with which you can decorate your home in order to receive their year when bright red.
That comment is negative, this plant is poisonous just eating a lot.
Hamunaptra 2
♥ Hello everybody
One of my favorites is the Egyptian cultures and this time I will quote to tell of Hamunaptra
Hamunaptra was an Ancient Egyptian city hidden deep in the desert some distance from Thebes and is the primary setting for the story. Unlike many of the real places mentioned in the movie, this Hamunaptra is purely fictional. Hamunaptra is depicted as containing two books central to the film's plot. One is the golden Book of Amun-Ra, "The Book of the Living", hidden beneath the statue of Horus. "It contains within it all the secret incantations of the Old Kingdom." The other is the black Book of the Dead, hidden beneath the statue of Anubis. The Book of the Living can take life away while the Book of the Dead can give it back. It is the latter that Imhotep, high priest of King Seti I, uses in his attempt to resurrect his true love Anck-su-namun meaning Lifes mystery or hidden one.
There is a text containing incantations funery or Sortilegios (RAU) that help the soul to the cross and in the Duat waterproof on the other side in Egyptian mitology
there was the book's main function
Hamunaptra was not to die a city which was protected by special people
wars of the legend says it was Hamunaptra costodied and protected and malditios espirits but also said it could be the book of death were there.
Hamunaptra was an ancient Egyptian city serca hidden in the desert of Thebes, Unlike many of the real places Hamunaptra is purely fictitious.
In two books Hamunaptra fundamental One is the Golden Book of Amon-Ra, "The Book of Life", hidden beneath the statue of Horus. "It contains within itself all the secret charms of the Old Kingdom, the other is the black book of muertos9 (" Peri Em Heru free to leave a day '), hidden under the statue of Anubis. The Book of Life can take our lives, while the Book of the Dead can give back. It is the latter that Imhotep, High Priest of King Seti I, used in his attempt to resurrect his true love-su-namun anck Lifes mystery or hidden meaning.
More myths
Hamunaptra is said is really a mirage in the desert and only revealed to travelers at sunrise. This tip led to the myth that the entire cemetery was "rigged to sink into the sand at the command of Pharaoh," causing the city to disappear under the desert, putting the treasure permanently out of reach.
Over time, Hamunaptra became a lost city, the subject of legends. As a result, in the 1920s, the decade in which most of the action of the film takes place, its existence is doubted by serious scholars.
The real Hamunaptra (Dead Man City) was found in India in the 1850s when British engineers trying to build a railroad, looted the area of the bricks. In the 1920s, archaeologists began digging in earnest. They found at the site of a lost civilization that occupies an area greater than that of Pakistan. However, there is no evidence to prove any hypothesis of why the civilization could be extinct in the city of the dead.
You can belive it or not
may be is only a topic for the movies as The Mummy
26 nov 2009
Hamunaptra 1 The book
♥ Hello everybody
Is time to continue with things less comercials
time to coment about the city of died "HAMUNAPTRA"
MY FAVIRITE CULTURE IS THE EGIPTIAN and in Mexico Mayas but there isn't the case
Well fist are are a book Peri Em Heru "Libro para salir al día"
or Book of died
There is a funery text that contains magic formulas or sortilegios(rau) that help the soul for cross and in the estance in Duat the other side in egiptian mitology
there was the principal funcion of the book
hamunaptra was a city for not died that was protected by especial persons
wars the leyend say that hamunaptra was costodied and protected for espirits and malditios but said too that could be the book of died were there
in the next time i'm going to continue.
25 nov 2009
Una profecía del Calendario Maya: En el año 2012 los seres humanos entrarán en una nueva civilización
Según los mayas, el 21 de diciembre de 2012 es el fin de esta civilización humana. Ellos no mencionaron la causa, pero una cosa es clara: el último día no significará el arribo de ninguna calamidad; en cambio, implica una nueva conciencia cósmica y una transición espiritual hacia la nueva civilización
Según el Calendario del Largo Conteo Maya, el 21 de diciembre de 2012 es el fin de esta civilización humana. Los seres humanos entrarán en una nueva civilización, la cual no tiene ninguna relación con la presente. La gente maya no mencionó la causa. Una cosa es clara: el último día no significará el arribo de ninguna calamidad; en vez de esto, implica una completa nueva conciencia cósmica y una transición espiritual hacia la nueva civilización.
La gente maya no tenía la tecnología avanzada que tenemos hoy, pero eran sorprendentemente expertos en astrología y matemática. Además, había muchos acertijos sin resolver. Ellos tenían avanzados sistemas de rutas, pero no usaban ruedas. Por lo tanto, ellos no tenían que criar ganado y caballos. Sin embargo, conocían cómo fabricar ruedas, ya que después se descubrió que los mayas usaban ruedas para hacer juguetes para sus niños.
Ellos ornamentaban la puerta del templo lunar con imágenes del lado oscuro de la Luna. Al principio los científicos estaban confundidos por los patrones, pero luego descubrieron que el patrón era el del lado no visible de la Luna, ¿cómo pudieron verlo los mayas? La Luna siempre encara a la Tierra con un solo lado. Quizás debido a su sabiduría única otorgada por su conciencia cósmica, los mayas tenían su propio sistema de cultivación o elevación espiritual. Los mayas desaparecieron en la cúspide de su civilización. La gente de tiempos posteriores no fue capaz de descifrar la razón, incluso luego de exhaustivos análisis.
En el año 1521, los invasores españoles encontraron una ciudad vacía dejada por los mayas. Los españoles destruyeron la mayoría de los documentos escritos por esa civilización. Los tres libros que permanecieron no son suficientes para decodificar su cultura. Aunque los mayas desaparecieron hace un largo tiempo atrás, el Calendario del Largo Conteo permaneció. Éste predice el final de la actual civilización – 21 de diciembre de 2012. ¿A quién dejaron esta profecía?
Según el Calendario del Largo Conteo Maya, el 21 de diciembre de 2012 es el último día del decimotercer Baktun. Los mayas registraron esta fecha como Echemos primero una mirada al método de conteo de los mayas:
Numero de días: Término
1: Kin (día)
20: Unial (el 20 es un número clave en el calendario maya)
360: Tun
7.200: Katun
144.000: Baktun
Para poder lllegar a una conclusion aceca de esto debemos analizar los hechos recientes en el mundo así como mirar al pasado por que quien no recuerda el 666 nunca paso nada pero claro todo mundo alarmado se y creyendo que era el fin del mundo y eos que Nostradamus no se equivocaba