18 dic 2010

Saint Claus

Hello everybodyIn Order to Know more

Well is time for Holliday and this is the stoy of Santa jo jo jo

La Verdadera Historia
de Santa Claus
Pareciera como si ese personaje gordo y con cara de bueno (que por estas latitudes llamamos Papá Noel) nos acompañara desde que el mundo es mundo. Sin embargo, su imagen no llega a intervenir de las fiestas navideñas sino hasta hace relativamente poco tiempo.

No cabe duda que el tipo tiene carisma; en lo que para la historia de la humanidad es apenas un siglo, la figura del buen hombre de la bolsa, ha logrado acaparar la atención de la fiesta que los católicos realizan conmemorando el nacimiento del niño Jesús. Así, prácticamente todos los niños del mundo, sueñan con una navidad nevada en la que el trineo tirado por renos sobre vuela la ciudad. No importa si en esa ciudad, el 24 de diciembre hace 45º grados a la sombra. El regordete anciano venido del polo norte hará su aparición por la chimenea (si es que la casa posee una) y depositara los regalos cerca del arbolito.

Arbolito al que también le cabría un capitulo aparte.

Pero ¿Quién fue realmente ese viejo de barba blanca y traje rojo que entra a las casas de sus devotos?

El Santa original era nativo de Lycia, un pueblo de la antigua Turquía (S. IV d. C.). Se llamada Nicolás de Bari y en realidad era un sacerdote de contextura física muy diferente a la del San Nicolás que aparece en los shopings. Era alto y delegado, sin embargo fueron conservados dos rasgos importantes de su personalidad: el amor por los niños y su gran generosidad.

Según la leyenda, en una oportunidad, Nicolás supo que uno de sus vecinos se encontraba quebrado económicamente y desesperado por no poseer la dote de su hija que estaba pronta a contraer enlace. Al enterarse de esto, Nicolás entró sigiloso en la casa del vecino y deposito tres bolsas con monedas cerca de la chimenea a modo de milagroso obsequio. La boda se celebró como el padre de la joven deseaba, y desde entonces se comenzó a popularizar la costumbre de intercambiarse regalos para la navidad.

El mercado, apoyado por astutas estrategias marketineras, hizo el resto. El aspecto que hoy posee el tan característico símbolo navideño, debió su origen al arte del caricaturista norteamericano Thomas Nast. De 1863 a 1886 el Santa Claus regordete, de mejillas coloridas, de larga barba blanca y de aspecto risueño y simpático fue el centro de atracción de la revista Harper´s Weekly y de allí salto a las vidrieras de los grandes centros comerciales.

Con orígenes que mezclan el polo norte con la antigua Turquía, la nieve con el calor y la mutación de aspectos físico, Papá Noel, Santa Claus, San Nicolás o como quieran llamarle es sin duda una de las visitas más esperadas del año en todas las casas donde hay niños. Uno de los pocos personajes que entrando de sorpresa, en la noche y mediante métodos pocos convencionales, y que es igualmente bienvenido.

Cualquiera sea la historia que lo trae por nuestros hogares, lo único que realmente deseamos es que no falte en ninguna casa; sobre todo en aquellas donde los chicos empiezan a palpitar su llegada desde, al menos, un mes antes.

The Tomb of the Virgin

Hello everybody
In Order to Know more

Sufing in the internet i found this question (in spanish and in yahoo)
Where is the tomb of the virgin?? inmeditly i started to investigate where is that ?? if the Jesus's
tomb is posible i thought the vigin's tomb too; And to my surprise find images as well then ask me why I had not asked before I think it's good that I assumed that the virgin to be "normal" as anyone died without glory.

and well the tomb Crossing the Kidron Valley, the first monument we see on the left at the foot of the Mount of Olives is the Church of the Assumption built over the tomb which received the remains of the Blessed Virgin. From this tomb was taken to heaven, not subject to the consequences of sin, corruption of the flesh. Therefore, Mary only proved the tomb, but did not stay in it, his tomb became the shrine of her glorious Assumption into Heaven.

The Assumption of Mary, body and soul into heaven at the end of his earthly existence, was defined as an article of faith, November 1, 1950.

Death and Assumption of Mary into heaven is described in the apocryphal stories as "the transition of the Virgin" or "Dormition"of Mary. The author of this work unites traditions of the early church from the apostolic age. The book contains many symbolic references typical of Judeo-Christian community, why was dropped completely for a long time. But the book bears witness to the veneration of this place from the second century, when it was transformed into a sanctuary.

so this is all about the mit
some peoble say tha the angels take her and go to sky with her body and soul
and other says tha only with her spirit in the two casases the body was never found
and if she existed of course body after 200 dc years dosen't exist any more

but well here is another link of cous in order to now more

♥ bye

27 nov 2010

aztecas gallery

Hello everybodyIn Order to Know more

Welcome to my web site galley that is here

26 nov 2010


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About this song

Well this song you know is very famous but - why?
so it can be because of the lynks when you really want somebody, might you liten
the song any serie or comedy like gray's anatomy or cause is very famous
what ever that be your reason is a very song.

(Mi hermoso retrato)

The opinion of autor

Gallagher now claims that the song was not about her at all, but he felt he had to go along with the rumour, saying "The meaning of that song was taken away from me by the media who jumped on it. How do you tell your Mrs it's not about her once she's read it is? It's a song about an imaginary friend who's gonna come and save you from yourself.In 2008 Liam Gallagher was quoted as saying about the song: "I can't fucking stand that fucking song! Every time I have to sing it I want to gag. Problem is, it was a big, big tune for us. Noel has said that Liam, "...thought we had gone too dance when I wrote 'Wonderwall' because the drums didn't go boom-boom bap, boom-boom bap (what is that? well no problem we like the song).

Music video

The music video to the song was filmed in the relatively brief period when bassist Paul "Guigsy" McGuigan quit the band due to nervous exhaustion; Scott McLeod came in to replace him.

An alternative version, possibly a bootleg recording, exists and is viewable online. It features a single fixed camera shot, the same as is seen in the more common video, of the five band members miming to the song.

The song won Best British Video at the 1996 Brit Awards.

7 nov 2010

Mermelade boy GALLERY

Hello everybody

I don't like so much the internet images for mermalade boy and
i decide to do the mine, ENJOY It