6 jul 2010

Frida Kahlohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif

play and dress her

Hello in this ocacion to mark the birthday of Frida this post is for her:

The life of this artist of the painting is very interesting and full of ups and downs.

For many it was a bisexual, a maladaptive for other extraordinary, including the most fervent admirer of his work was Diego Rivera, her lover and nothing devoted husband, he would say he was better than him, because he painted what he saw his about events and identified him, while Frida painted what he felt, what hurt him, which missed, and that very few had the privilege of capturing on canvas(lienzo),he was patatic of couse i prefer her until he was a very good muralist but nou the best painter.

Frida Kahlo (Mex, Coyoacán, July 6, 1907 to July 13, 1954) was a Mexican painter Biography Frida Kahlo and her husband Diego RiveraMagdalena Carmen Frida Kahlo Calderon was born in Coyoacan, south Mexico City in 1907. However Frida said he was born in 1910, the start of the Mexican Revolution, because she wanted her life began with the modern Mexico. This detail shows us his unique personality, from his childhood characterized by a profound sense of independence and rebellion against social and moral ordinary habits, moved by passion and sensuality. Proud of his Mexican and cultural tradition up against the reigning Americanization. All this mixed with a peculiar sense of humor.
Frida was the third daughter of Guillermo Kahlo from Europe and Mexico Matilde Calderón González. In many sources, mostly in Castilian, you can read Frida's father was a photographer "whose German Jewish family originated from Oradea in Romania." However, the guidance of the German city of Baden-Baden points out that her grandparents and previous generations belonged to the bourgeoisie and were Lutheran. 1. This also includes the German Wikipedia. His life was marked by physical suffering that began with the polio he contracted in 1910 and continued with various diseases, injuries, accidents and operations. The first illness left him a permanent sequel: the right leg much thinner than the left. In 1922 he entered the National Preparatory School in Mexico City, the most prestigious educational institution in Mexico, which first began to admit children not only to take classes in drawing and modeling. There's antics became the leader of a group consisting mainly rebel kids who performed countless outrages in school generally taking victims to their teachers. It was at this school you come in contact with her future husband, the renowned Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, who had been commissioned to paint a mural in the school auditorium. In 1925 he learned the art of engraving with Fernando Fernandez. On 17 September the same year a bus accident left her with permanent injuries because her spine was fractured and several ribs and pelvis, dislocated his right foot being crushed, dislocated his shoulder and pierced his handlebars from the stomach to the pelvis. The medicine of her time tortured her with surgical operations (32 throughout her life), corseds of different types and different mechanisms of "stretching." Boredom prostration caused him led her to start painting: in 1926, still in his convalescence, he painted his first portrait, the first in a long series in which express the events of his life and his emotional reactions to them.
Most of his paintings would make straight in his bed but his great strength and energy to live allowed a significant recovery. Following this recovery, which returned the ability to walk, a close friend introduced her to the artistic circles of Mexico where they were, among others, the renowned photographer, artist and communist Tina Modotti and Diego Rivera.
While actively bisexual, Kahlo and Rivera married on 21 August 1929. Their relationship was in love affairs with other people, creative relationship, hate and divorce in 1940 that only lasted a year. When I came to call marriage a union between an elephant and a dove, because Diego was huge and very fat as she was small and thin. On the other hand, Frida, due to his injuries, he could never have children, which took many years to accept. Despite Diego's adventures with other women (which came to include the sister of the painter), he helped in many ways. He had suggested to Frida to dress in traditional costume consisting of long dresses Mexican colors and exotic jewelry. This, together with his scowling face, became its brand image. He loved his paintings and was also his biggest fan. Frida, in turn, was the major criticism of Diego and love of his life. Frida Kahlo and Diego Malu Block RiveraLa Rivera growing reputation in the United States between 1931 and 1934 led to spend most of the time in New York and Detroit so it mural is in Bellas Artes Museum. Between 1937 and 1939 welcomed Leon Trotsky lived in his house in Coyoacan to his wife. There would have an affair with the communist leader, after his murder at the hands of a Stalinist murderer from Barcelona (Spain), being accused as a perpetrator of it. This led her to be arrested but was released last thing that happened the same way with her husband. In 1938, the surrealist poet and essayist André Breton describes his surreal work of writing an essay for the exhibition of Kahlo at the Julien Levy Gallery in New York. However, she later states: "They thought I was surreal, but it was not. I never painted my dreams. I painted my own reality." In 1939 presented in Paris in the gallery by Renon et Collee Breton. His stay in the French capital was related to Picasso and appear on the cover of French Vogue. Frida was then known in the world. Everyone loved her. From 1943 he taught at the school of Mexico City La Esmeralda In the spring of 1953 Gallery of Contemporary Art in this city he organized for the first time, a major exhibition. Frida's health was very bad at that time and the doctors forbade him from attending to it. Minutes after all the guests were in the interior of the gallery began to hear sirens from outside. The crowd went crazy outside, there was an ambulance accompanied by a motorcycle escort. Frida Kahlo had been taken to its exposure in a hospital bed. Photographers and journalists were impressed. She was placed in the center of the gallery. The crowd went to greet her. Frida told jokes, sang and drank the whole evening. The show was a resounding success. That same year he had to amputate the leg below the knee due to a gangrene infection. It's plunged into a deep depression that led him to attempt suicide in a couple of occasions. He died in Coyoacan on July 13, 1954. No autopsy was not performed. It was evening at the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City and his coffin was draped with the flag of the Communist Party, a fact that was widely criticized by the national press.
His body was cremated and his ashes home to the Blue House in Coyoacan, the place where she was born. His last words in his diary were: "I hope that the march be happy and I hope never again."(“Espero que la marcha sea feliz y espero no volver”), really we dont meet the reason of her died but it can be an clue La Casa Azul,
Museo Frida Kahlo.

A four years after his death, la Casa Azul became the Museo Frida Kahlo, well this house is called "THe blue house" because of the house is panited blue Several retrospectives have dedicated museums:Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes del ciudad de México (1977), el Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Chicago (1980) y la Whitechapel de Londres (1982).

3 jul 2010

LOve nd Crazy (spanish)

Cuentan que una vez se reunieron en un lugar de la tierra todos los sentimientos y cualidades de los hombres.

Cuando el ABURRIMIENTO había bostezado por tercera vez, la LOCURA, como siempre tan loca, les propuso:

- ¿Jugamos al escondite?

La INTRIGA levantó la ceja intrigada y la CURIOSIDAD, sin poder contenerse, preguntó: "¿Al escondite? y ¿cómo es eso?"
El Juego de los Sentimientos, sentimientos venezolanos, La Soledad, los Sentimientos, porque el Amor es Ciego, la intriga, la locura, el amor, entusiasmo, pereza, triunfo, generosidad, belleza, timidez, liderazgo, libertad, egoismo, pasion, deseo- Es un juego -explicó la LOCURA- en que yo me tapo la cara y comienzo a contar desde uno hasta un millón mientras ustedes se esconden y cuando yo haya terminado de contar, el primero de ustedes al que encuentre, ocupará mi lugar para continuar el juego.

El ENTUSIASMO bailó secundado por la EUFORIA. La ALEGRÍA dió tantos saltos que terminó por convencer a la DUDA, e incluso a la APATÍA, a la que nunca le interesaba nada. Pero no todos quisieron participar. La VERDAD prefirió no esconderse (¿para qué?), si al final siempre la hallaban, y la SOBERBIA opinó que era un juego muy tonto (en el fondo lo que le molestaba era que la idea no hubiese sido suya), y la COBARDÍA prefirió no arriesgarse...
La primera en esconderse fue la PEREZA que, como siempre, se dejó caer tras la primera piedra del camino. La FE subió al cielo, y la ENVIDIA se escondió tras la sombra del TRIUNFO, que con su propio esfuerzo había logrado subir a la copa del árbol mas alto. La GENEROSIDAD casi no alcanzaba a esconderse; cada sitio que hallaba le parecía maravilloso para alguno de sus amigos: que si un lago cristalino, ideal para la BELLEZA; que si el bajo de un árbol, perfecto para la TIMIDEZ; que si el vuelo de la mariposa, lo mejor para la VOLUPTUOSIDAD; que si una ráfaga de viento, magnifico para la LIBERTAD. Así que termino por ocultarse en un rayito de sol. El EGOÍSMO, en cambio, encontró un sitio muy bueno desde el principio, ventilado, cómodo... pero solo para él.
La MENTIRA se escondió en el fondo de los océanos (¡mentira!, en realidad se escondió detrás del arco iris), y la PASIÓN y el DESEO en el centro de los volcanes. El OLVIDO... ¡se me olvidó donde se escondió!... pero eso no es lo importante.

Cuando la LOCURA contaba 999.999, el AMOR todavía no había encontrado un sitio para esconderse, pues todo se encontraba ocupado, hasta que divisó un rosal y, enternecido, decidió esconderse entre sus flores.
- ¡Un millón!- contó la LOCURA y comenzó a buscar.
La primera en aparecer fue la PEREZA, sólo a tres pasos de la piedra. Después se escuchó a la FE discutiendo con Dios en el cielo sobre Teología. Y a la PASIÓN y al DESEO los sintió en el vibrar de los volcanes.

En un descuido encontró a la ENVIDIA y, claro, pudo deducir donde estaba el TRIUNFO. Al EGOÍSMO no tuvo ni que buscarlo; el solito salió disparado de su escondite, que había resultado un nido de avispas.
De tanto caminar sintió sed y, al acercarse al lago, descubrió a la BELLEZA. Y con la DUDA resultó más fácil todavía, pues la encontró sentada sobre una cerca sin decidir aun de que lado esconderse.

Así fue encontrando a todos: el TALENTO entre la hierba fresca, la ANGUSTIA en una oscura cueva, la MENTIRA detrás del arco iris y hasta el OLVIDO, al que ya se le había olvidado que estaba jugando al escondite.

Pero solo el AMOR no aparecía por ningún sitio.
La LOCURA busco detrás de cada árbol, bajo cada arroyo del planeta, en la cima de las montañas y, cuando estaba por darse por vencida, diviso un rosal y las rosas... Y tomo una horquilla y comenzó a mover las ramas, cuando de pronto un doloroso grito se escuchó. Las espinas habían herido en los ojos al AMOR. La LOCURA no sabía que hacer para disculparse; lloró, rogó, imploró y hasta prometió ser su lazarillo.

Desde entonces, desde que por primera vez se jugó al escondite en la tierra, el AMOR es ciego, y la LOCURA lo acompaña siempre.